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Position :
Head of the Vienna Hepatic Hemodynamic Lab; principal investigator; physician-scientist.
Dr. Mandorfer studied Medicine in Vienna & Heidelberg and obtained his M.D. degree (Medical University of Vienna) in 2012. He is a consultant in Internal Medicine (since 2018) and Gastroenterology and Hepatology (since 2021) and currently in training for Intensive Care. In 2019, he stayed as a fellow at the Barcelona Hepatic Hemodynamic Lab, Liver Unit, Hospital ClĂnic. Dr. Mandorfer obtained his Ph.D. degree (HIV/HCV coinfection; Medical University of Vienna) in 2017 and the venia docendi (HCV & portal hypertension; Priv.-Doz./Assistant Professor; Medical University of Vienna) in 2018. In 2021, Dr. Mandorfer obtained a senior faculty position (Ap.Prof./Associate Professor; Medical University of Vienna) at the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical University of Vienna, and has been appointed head of the Vienna Hepatic Hemodynamic Lab.
Dr. Mandorfer serves as the 1st Secretary of the Austrian Society of Gastrenterology and Hepatology and is a member of the EASL YI Task Force and current/past editorial board member of J Hepatol, Gastroenterology, Liver Int, and Word J Gastroenterol.
Dr. Mandorfer studied Medicine in Vienna & Heidelberg and obtained his M.D. degree (Medical University of Vienna) in 2012. He is a consultant in Internal Medicine (since 2018) and Gastroenterology and Hepatology (since 2021) and currently in training for Intensive Care. In 2019, he stayed as a fellow at the Barcelona Hepatic Hemodynamic Lab, Liver Unit, Hospital ClĂnic. Dr. Mandorfer obtained his Ph.D. degree (HIV/HCV coinfection; Medical University of Vienna) in 2017 and the venia docendi (HCV & portal hypertension; Priv.-Doz./Assistant Professor; Medical University of Vienna) in 2018. In 2021, Dr. Mandorfer obtained a senior faculty position (Ap.Prof./Associate Professor; Medical University of Vienna) at the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical University of Vienna, and has been appointed head of the Vienna Hepatic Hemodynamic Lab.
Dr. Mandorfer serves as the 1st Secretary of the Austrian Society of Gastrenterology and Hepatology and is a member of the EASL YI Task Force and current/past editorial board member of J Hepatol, Gastroenterology, Liver Int, and Word J Gastroenterol.
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Scientific interests :
Complications of cirrhosis, HVPG methodology, non-invasive diagnostics & prognostication, coagulation & vascular liver disease, HCV treatment and disease regression, HIV/HCV natural history & treatment, as well as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency