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  • Thomas REIBERGER


Hofer BS; Simbrunner B; Bauer DJM; Paternostro R; Schwabl P; Scheiner B; Semmler G; Hartl L; Jachs M; Datterl B; Staettermayer AF; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2022. Acute hemodynamic response to propranolol predicts bleeding and nonbleeding decompensation in patients with cirrhosis.  Hepatol Commun.

Scheiner B; Pomej K; Kirstein MM; Hucke F; Finkelmeier F; Waidmann O; Himmelsbach V; Schulze K; von Felden J; Fründt TW; Stadler M; Heinzl H; Shmanko K; Spahn S; Radu P; Siebenhüner AR; Mertens JC; Rahbari NN; Kütting F; Waldschmidt DT; Ebert MP; Teufel A; De Dosso S; Pinato DJ; Pressiani T; Meischl T; Balcar L; Müller C; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Trauner M; Personeni N; Rimassa L; Bitzer M; Trojan J; Weinmann A; Wege H; Dufour JF; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Vogel A; Pinter M, 2022. Prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with immunotherapy - development and validation of the CRAFITY score.  J Hepatol 76(2):353-363

Innes H; Nischalke HD; Guha IN; Weiss KH; Irving W; Gotthardt D; Barnes E; Fischer J; Ansari MA; Rosendahl J; Lin SK; Marot A; Pedergnana V; Casper M; Benselin J; Lammert F; McLauchlan J; Lutz PL; Hamill V; Mueller S; Morling JR; Semmler G; Eyer F; von Felden J; Link A; Vogel A; Marquardt JU; Sulk S; Trebicka J; Valenti L; Datz C; Reiberger T; Schafmayer C; Berg T; Deltenre P; Hampe J; Stickel F; Buch S, 2022. The rs429358 Locus in Apolipoprotein E Is Associated With Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Cirrhosis.  Hepatol Commun 6(5):1213-1226

Buch S; Innes H; Lutz PL; Nischalke HD; Marquardt JU; Fischer J; Weiss KH; Rosendahl J; Marot A; Krawczyk M; Casper M; Lammert F; Eyer F; Vogel A; Marhenke S; von Felden J; Sharma R; Atkinson SR; McQuillin A; Nattermann J; Schafmayer C; Franke A; Strassburg C; Rietschel M; Altmann H; Sulk S; Thangapandi VR; Brosch M; Lackner C; Stauber RE; Canbay A; Link A; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M; Semmler G; Scheiner B; Datz C; Romeo S; Ginanni Corradini S; Irving WL; Morling JR; Guha IN; Barnes E; Ansari MA; Quistrebert J; Valenti L; Müller SA; Morgan MY; Dufour JF; Trebicka J; Berg T; Deltenre P; Mueller S; Hampe J; Stickel F, 2022. Genetic variation in TERT modifies the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in alcohol-related cirrhosis: results from a genome-wide case-control study.  Gut.

Reiberger T, 2022. The Value of Liver and Spleen Stiffness for Evaluation of Portal Hypertension in Compensated Cirrhosis.  Hepatol Commun 6(5):950-964

Burghart L; Halilbasic E; Schwabl P; Simbrunner B; Stättermayer AF; Petrenko O; Scheiner B; Bauer D; Pinter M; Boztug K; Mandorfer M; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2022. Distinct prognostic value of different portal hypertension-associated features in patients with primary biliary cholangitis.  J Gastroenterol 57(2):99-110

Paternostro R; Becker J; Hofer BS; Panagl V; Schiffke H; Simbrunner B; Semmler G; Schwabl P; Scheiner B; Bucsics T; Bauer D; Binter T; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2022. The prognostic value of HVPG-response to non-selective beta-blockers in patients with NASH cirrhosis and varices.  Dig Liver Dis 54(4):500-508

Königshofer P; Hofer BS; Brusilovskaya K; Simbrunner B; Petrenko O; Wöran K; Herac M; Stift J; Lampichler K; Timelthaler G; Bauer D; Hartl L; Robl B; Sibila M; Podesser BK; Oberhuber G; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2022. Distinct structural and dynamic components of portal hypertension in different animal models and human liver disease etiologies.  Hepatology 75(3):610-622

Stockhoff L; Muellner-Bucsics T; Markova AA; Schultalbers M; Keimburg SA; Tergast TL; Hinrichs JB; Simon N; Gerbel S; Manns MP; Mandorfer M; Cornberg M; Meyer BC; Wedemeyer H; Reiberger T; Maasoumy B, 2022. Low Serum Cholinesterase Identifies Patients With Worse Outcome and Increased Mortality After TIPS.  Hepatol Commun 6(3):621-632

Scheiner B; Balcar L; Nussbaumer RJ; Weinzierl J; Paternostro R; Simbrunner B; Hartl L; Jachs M; Bauer D; Stättermayer AF; Semmler G; Pinter M; Ay C; Quehenberger P; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Lisman T; Mandorfer M, 2022. Factor VIII/protein C ratio independently predicts liver-related events but does not indicate a hypercoagulable state in ACLD.  J Hepatol 76(5):1090-1099

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Jachs M, 2022. Reply.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 20(6):e1514-e1515

Jachs M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2022. Reply.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 20(6):e1512-e1513

Jachs M; Hartl L; Simbrunner B; Bauer D; Paternostro R; Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Eigenbauer E; Quehenberger P; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2022. Decreasing von Willebrand Factor Levels Upon Nonselective Beta Blocker Therapy Indicate a Decreased Risk of Further Decompensation, Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure, and Death.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 20(6):1362-1373.e6

Wöran K; Semmler G; Jachs M; Simbrunner B; Bauer DJM; Binter T; Pomej K; Stättermayer AF; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Paternostro R; Lampichler K; Pinter M; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Stift J; Reiberger T; Scheiner B, 2022. Clinical Course of Porto-Sinusoidal Vascular Disease Is Distinct From Idiopathic Noncirrhotic Portal Hypertension.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 20(2):e251-e266

Trebicka J; Gu W; de Ledinghen V; Aubé C; Krag A; Praktiknjo M; Castera L; Dumortier J; Bauer DJM; Friedrich-Rust M; Pol S; Grgurevic I; Zheng R; Francque S; Gottfriedovà H; Mustapic S; Sporea I; Berzigotti A; Uschner FE; Simbrunner B; Ronot M; Cassinotto C; Kjaergaard M; Andrade F; Schulz M; Semmler G; Drinkovic IT; Chang J; Brol MJ; Rautou PE; Vanwolleghem T; Strassburg CP; Boursier J; Ferstl PG; Rasmussen DN; Reiberger T; Vilgrain V; Guibal A; Guillaud O; Zeuzem S; Vassord C; Lu X; Vonghia L; Senkerikova R; Popescu A; Margini C; Wang W; Thiele M; Jansen C, 2022. Two-dimensional shear wave elastography predicts survival in advanced chronic liver disease.  Gut 71(2):402-414

Thaler J; Lisman T; Quehenberger P; Hell L; Schwabl P; Scheiner B; Bucsics T; Nieuwland R; Ay C; Trauner M; Pabinger I; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2022. Intraperitoneal Activation of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Patients with Cirrhosis and Ascites.  Thromb Haemost 122(3):353-362

Reiterer C; Taschner A; Luf F; Hecking M; Tamandl D; Zotti O; Reiberger T; Starlinger P; Mandorfer M; Fleischmann E, 2022. Effect of liver resection-induced increases in hepatic venous pressure gradient on development of postoperative acute kidney injury.  BMC Nephrol 23(1):21

Semmler G; Meyer EL; Kozbial K; Schwabl P; Hametner-Schreil S; Zanetto A; Bauer D; Chromy D; Simbrunner B; Scheiner B; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Schöfl R; Russo FP; Greenfield H; Schwarz M; Schwarz C; Gschwantler M; Alonso López S; Manzano ML; Ahumada A; Bañares R; Pons M; Rodríguez-Tajes S; Genescà J; Lens S; Trauner M; Ferenci P; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2022. HCC risk stratification after cure of hepatitis C in patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease.  J Hepatol 76(4):812-821

de Franchis R; Bosch J; Garcia-Tsao G; Reiberger T; Ripoll C, 2022. Baveno VII - Renewing consensus in portal hypertension.  J Hepatol 76(4):959-974

Schwarz C; Chromy D; Bangert C; Schwarz M; Jachs M; Reiberger T; Gschwantler M, 2022. Immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction to bulevirtide and successful desensitization in a patient with HBV/HDV-associated compensated cirrhosis.  J Hepatol 77(1):254-255

Jachs M; Hartl L; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Stättermayer AF; Strassl R; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2022. Long-Term Outcome of HBV-Infected Patients with Clinically Significant Portal Hypertension Achieving Viral Suppression.  J Pers Med 12.

Jachs M; Schwarz C; Panzer M; Binter T; Aberle SW; Hartl L; Dax K; Aigner E; Stättermayer AF; Munda P; Graziadei I; Holzmann H; Trauner M; Zoller H; Gschwantler M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Ferenci P, 2022. Response-guided long-term treatment of chronic hepatitis D patients with bulevirtide-results of a "real world" study.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 56(1):144-154

de Franchis R; Bosch J; Garcia-Tsao G; Reiberger T; Ripoll C, 2022. Corrigendum to 'Baveno VII - Renewing consensus in portal hypertension' [J Hepatol (2022) 959-974].  J Hepatol 77(1):271

Semmler G; Lindorfer A; Schaefer B; Bartl S; Hametner-Schreil S; Gensluckner S; Balcar L; Pomej K; Lampichler K; Trauner M; Aigner E; Datz C; Zoller H; Hofer H; Schoefl R; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Scheiner B, 2022. Outcome of Budd-Chiari Syndrome (BCS) Patients Treated With Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) - An Austrian Multicenter Study.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol.

Hartl L; Haslinger K; Angerer M; Jachs M; Simbrunner B; Bauer DJM; Semmler G; Scheiner B; Eigenbauer E; Strassl R; Breuer M; Kimberger O; Laxar D; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2022. Age-adjusted mortality and predictive value of liver chemistries in a Viennese cohort of COVID-19 patients.  Liver Int 42(6):1297-1307

Bauer D; Kozbial K; Schwabl P; Chromy D; Simbrunner B; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Steindl-Munda P; Trauner M; Ferenci P; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2022. Angiopoietin 2 levels decrease after HCV-cure and reflect the evolution of portal hypertension.  Dig Liver Dis.

de Franchis R; Bosch J; Garcia-Tsao G; Reiberger T; Ripoll C, 2022. Reply to: 'Management of portal hypertension in patients treated with atezolizumab and bevacizumab for hepatocellular carcinoma'.  J Hepatol.

Bastati N; Beer L; Ba-Ssalamah A; Poetter-Lang S; Ambros R; Kristic A; Lauber D; Pomej K; Binter T; Simbrunner B; Semmler G; Balcar L; Bican Y; Hodge JC; Wrba T; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2022. Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI-derived functional liver imaging score (FLIS) and spleen diameter predict outcomes in ACLD.  J Hepatol.

Bucsics T; Lampichler K; Vierziger C; Schoder M; Wolf F; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Hartl L; Jachs M; Scheiner B; Trauner M; Gruenberger T; Karnel F; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2022. Covered Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Improves Hypersplenism-Associated Cytopenia in Cirrhosis.  Dig Dis Sci.

Hartl L; Haslinger K; Angerer M; Semmler G; Schneeweiss-Gleixner M; Jachs M; Simbrunner B; Bauer DJM; Eigenbauer E; Strassl R; Breuer M; Kimberger O; Laxar D; Lampichler K; Halilbasic E; Stättermayer AF; Ba-Ssalamah A; Mandorfer M; Scheiner B; Reiberger T; Trauner M, 2022. Progressive cholestasis and associated sclerosing cholangitis are frequent complications of COVID-19 in patients with chronic liver disease.  Hepatology.

Brusilovskaya K; Simbrunner B; Lee S; Eichelberger B; Bauer D; Zinober K; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Panzer S; Reiberger T; Gremmel T, 2022. Peripheral versus central venous blood sampling does not influence the assessment of platelet activation in cirrhosis.  Platelets.

Chromy D; Bauer DJM; Simbrunner B; Jachs M; Hartl L; Schwabl P; Schwarz C; Rieger A; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Trauner M; Ferenci P; Mandorfer M; Gschwantler M; Reiberger T, 2022. The 'Viennese epidemic' of acute HCV in the era of direct-acting antivirals.  J Viral Hepat 29(5):385-394

Schwabl P; Seeland BA; Riedl F; Schubert TL; Königshofer P; Brusilovskaya K; Petrenko O; Hofer B; Schiefer AI; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2022. Splenectomy ameliorates portal pressure and anemia in animal models of cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic portal hypertension.  Adv Med Sci 67(1):154-162

Méndez-Sánchez N; Bugianesi E; Gish RG; Lammert F; Tilg H; Nguyen MH; Sarin SK; Fabrellas N; Zelber-Sagi S; Fan JG; Shiha G; Targher G; Zheng MH; Chan WK; Vinker S; Kawaguchi T; Castera L; Yilmaz Y; Korenjak M; Spearman CW; Ungan M; Palmer M; El-Shabrawi M; Gruss HJ; Dufour JF; Dhawan A; Wedemeyer H; George J; Valenti L; Fouad Y; Romero-Gomez M; Eslam M, 2022. Global multi-stakeholder endorsement of the MAFLD definition.  Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 7(5):388-390

Bauer DJ; Matic V; Mare R; Maiocchi L; Chromy D; Müllner-Bucsics T; Mandorfer M; Mustapic S; Sporea I; Ferraioli G; Grgurevic I; Reiberger T, 2022. Point Shear Wave Elastography by ElastPQ for Fibrosis Screening in Patients with NAFLD: A Prospective, Multicenter Comparison to Vibration-Controlled Elastography.  Ultraschall Med.

Haslacher H; Rappel R; Thalhammer R; Demyanets S; Simbrunner B; Reiberger T; Eberhard S; Schwarzinger I, 2021. Adequate scattergram interpretation increases the reliability of automated polymorphonuclear (pmn) cell counts from ascitic fluid of patients with liver cirrhosis.  Int J Lab Hematol 43(4):O176-O180

Starlinger P; Ahn JC; Mullan A; Gyoeri GP; Pereyra D; Alva-Ruiz R; Hackl H; Reiberger T; Trauner M; Santol J; Simbrunner B; Mandorfer M; Berlakovich G; Kamath PS; Heimbach J, 2021. The Addition of C-Reactive Protein and von Willebrand Factor to Model for End-Stage Liver Disease-Sodium Improves Prediction of Waitlist Mortality.  Hepatology 74(3):1533-1545

Schwabl P; Hambruch E; Budas GR; Supper P; Burnet M; Liles JT; Birkel M; Brusilovskaya K; Königshofer P; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Watkins WJ; Trauner M; Breckenridge DG; Kremoser C; Reiberger T, 2021. The Non-Steroidal FXR Agonist Cilofexor Improves Portal Hypertension and Reduces Hepatic Fibrosis in a Rat NASH Model.  Biomedicines 9.

Steininger L; Chromy D; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Binter T; Schwabl P; Schmidbauer C; Trauner M; Gschwantler M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2021. Direct patient-physician communication via a hepatitis C hotline facilitates treatment initiation in patients with poor adherence.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 133(9-10):452-460

Semmler G; Reiberger T, 2021. Letter to Lavian and colleagues.  Eur J Radiol 134:109449

Paternostro R; Bardach C; Hofer BS; Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Asenbaum U; Ba-Ssalamah A; Scharitzer M; Bucscis T; Simbrunner B; Bauer D; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Lampichler K, 2021. Prognostic impact of sarcopenia in cirrhotic patients stratified by different severity of portal hypertension.  Liver Int 41(4):799-809

Raeven P; Mandorfer M; Baron DM; Reiberger T; Simbrunner B, 2021. Author's reply to "Thromboelastometry in patients with advanced chronic liver disease: a complex interplay".  Hepatol Int 15(2):522-524

Simbrunner B; Stadlmann A; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Bauer DJM; Bucsics T; Scheiner B; Lampichler K; Wöran K; Beer A; Eigenbauer E; Pinter M; Stättermayer AF; Marculescu R; Szekeres T; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2021. Placental growth factor levels neither reflect severity of portal hypertension nor portal-hypertensive gastropathy in patients with advanced chronic liver disease.  Dig Liver Dis 53(3):345-352

Pfisterer N; Schmidbauer C; Riedl F; Maieron A; Stadlbauer V; Hennlich B; Schwarzer R; Puespoek A; Bucsics T; Effenberger M; Bota S; Gschwantler M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Mandorfer M; Madl C; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2021. Perceptions on the management of varices and on the use of albumin in patients with cirrhosis among GI specialists in Austria.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 133(9-10):421-431

Trebicka J; Fernandez J; Papp M; Caraceni P; Laleman W; Gambino C; Giovo I; Uschner FE; Jansen C; Jimenez C; Mookerjee R; Gustot T; Albillos A; Bañares R; Jarcuska P; Steib C; Reiberger T; Acevedo J; Gatti P; Shawcross DL; Zeuzem S; Zipprich A; Piano S; Berg T; Bruns T; Danielsen KV; Coenraad M; Merli M; Stauber R; Zoller H; Ramos JP; Solé C; Soriano G; de Gottardi A; Gronbaek H; Saliba F; Trautwein C; Kani HT; Francque S; Ryder S; Nahon P; Romero-Gomez M; Van Vlierberghe H; Francoz C; Manns M; Garcia-Lopez E; Tufoni M; Amoros A; Pavesi M; Sanchez C; Praktiknjo M; Curto A; Pitarch C; Putignano A; Moreno E; Bernal W; Aguilar F; Clària J; Ponzo P; Vitalis Z; Zaccherini G; Balogh B; Gerbes A; Vargas V; Alessandria C; Bernardi M; Ginès P; Moreau R; Angeli P; Jalan R; Arroyo V, 2021. PREDICT identifies precipitating events associated with the clinical course of acutely decompensated cirrhosis.  J Hepatol 74(5):1097-1108

Jachs M; Hartl L; Schaufler D; Desbalmes C; Simbrunner B; Eigenbauer E; Bauer DJM; Paternostro R; Schwabl P; Scheiner B; Bucsics T; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2021. Amelioration of systemic inflammation in advanced chronic liver disease upon beta-blocker therapy translates into improved clinical outcomes.  Gut 70(9):1758-1767

Costa D; Simbrunner B; Jachs M; Hartl L; Bauer D; Paternostro R; Schwabl P; Scheiner B; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2021. Systemic inflammation increases across distinct stages of advanced chronic liver disease and correlates with decompensation and mortality.  J Hepatol 74(4):819-828

Beer L; Bastati N; Ba-Ssalamah A; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2021. Author response to Letter to the Editor: MRI-defined sarcopenia predicts mortality in patients with chronic liver disease.  Liver Int 41(1):221-222

Bauer D; Farthofer A; Chromy D; Simbrunner B; Steininger L; Schmidbauer C; Binter T; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Schmidt R; Mayer F; Holzmann H; Strassl R; Reiberger T, 2021. Recent outbreaks of severe hepatitis A virus infections in Vienna.  Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 40(2):335-344

Semmler G; Binter T; Kozbial K; Schwabl P; Hametner-Schreil S; Zanetto A; Gavasso S; Chromy D; Bauer DJM; Simbrunner B; Scheiner B; Bucsics T; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Steindl-Munda P; Schöfl R; Russo FP; Simioni P; Trauner M; Ferenci P; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2021. Noninvasive Risk Stratification After HCV Eradication in Patients With Advanced Chronic Liver Disease.  Hepatology 73(4):1275-1289

Cardenas A; Reiberger T, 2021. Complications of Cirrhosis.  Clin Liver Dis 25(2):xiii-xiv

Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2021. Letter to the Editor: Perioperative Presentation of COVID-19 in a Liver Transplant Recipient.  Hepatology 73(2):868-869

Weiss E; Saner F; Asrani SK; Biancofiore G; Blasi A; Lerut J; Durand F; Fernandez J; Findlay JY; Fondevila C; Francoz C; Gustot T; Jaber S; Karvellas C; Kronish K; Laleman W; Laterre PF; Levesque E; Mandell MS; Mc Phail M; Muiesan P; Olson JC; Olthoff K; Daniele Pinna A; Reiberger T; Reyntjens K; Saliba F; Scatton O; Simpson KJ; Soubrane O; Subramanian RM; Tacke F; Tomescu D; Xia V; Wagener G; Paugam-Burtz C, 2021. When Is a Critically Ill Cirrhotic Patient Too Sick to Transplant? Development of Consensus Criteria by a Multidisciplinary Panel of 35 International Experts.  Transplantation 105(3):561-568

Jachs M; Reiberger T, 2021. Prevention of Variceal Bleeding and Rebleeding by Nonselective Beta-Blockers: A Tailored Approach.  Clin Liver Dis 25(2):311-326

Costa D; Simbrunner B; Reiberger T, 2021. Reply to: "Prognostic role of systemic inflammatory biomarkers in advanced chronic liver disease".  J Hepatol 74(4):1000-1001

Eder M; Omic H; Gorges J; Badt F; Kikic Z; Saemann MD; Tong A; Bauer D; Semmler G; Reiberger T; Lagler H; Scheiner B, 2021. Influenza vaccination uptake and factors influencing vaccination decision among patients with chronic kidney or liver disease.  PLoS One 16(4):e0249785

Sladky VC; Eichin F; Reiberger T; Villunger A, 2021. Polyploidy control in hepatic health and disease.  J Hepatol 75(5):1177-1191

Simbrunner B; Costa D; Reiberger T, 2021. Reply to: "Presepsin as a biomarker of inflammation and prognosis in decompensated liver disease".  J Hepatol 75(1):234-236

Pomej K; Balcar L; Scheiner B; Semmler G; Meischl T; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Müller C; Trauner M; Pinter M, 2021. Antibiotic Therapy is Associated with Worse Outcome in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Sorafenib.  J Hepatocell Carcinoma 8:1485-1493

Jachs M; Binter T; Schmidbauer C; Hartl L; Strasser M; Laferl H; Hametner-Schreil S; Lindorfer A; Dax K; Stauber RE; Kessler HH; Bernhofer S; Maieron A; Loacker L; Bota S; Santonja I; Munda P; Mandorfer M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Holzmann H; Gschwantler M; Zoller H; Ferenci P; Reiberger T, 2021. Hepatitis D virus (HDV) prevalence in Austria is low but causes considerable morbidity due to fast progression to cirrhosis.  United European Gastroenterol J 9(10):1119-1127

Bassegoda O; Olivas P; Turco L; Mandorfer M; Serra-Burriel M; Tellez L; Kwanten W; Laroyenne A; Farcau O; Alvarado E; Moga L; Vuille-Lessard E; Fortea JI; Ibañez L; Tosetti G; Vanwolleghem T; Larrue H; Burgos-Santamaría D; Stefanescu H; Paternostro R; Cippitelli A; Lens S; Augustin S; Llop E; Laleman W; Trebicka J; Chang J; Masnou H; Zipprich A; Miceli F; Semmler G; Forns X; Primignani M; Bañares R; Puente A; Berzigotti A; Rautou PE; Villanueva C; Ginès P; Garcia-Pagan JC; Procopet B; Bureau C; Albillos A; Francque S; Reiberger T; Schepis F; Graupera I; Hernandez-Gea V, 2021. Decompensation in Advanced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease May Occur at Lower Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient Levels Than in Patients With Viral Disease.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol.

Simbrunner B; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2021. Review article: therapeutic aspects of bile acid signalling in the gut-liver axis.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 54(10):1243-1262

Pomej K; Scheiner B; Hartl L; Balcar L; Meischl T; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Müller C; Trauner M; Pinter M, 2021. COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma at a tertiary care hospital.  PLoS One 16(8):e0256544

Hartl L; Jachs M; Simbrunner B; Bauer DJM; Semmler G; Gompelmann D; Szekeres T; Quehenberger P; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Scheiner B; Reiberger T, 2021. Cirrhosis-Associated RAS-Inflammation-Coagulation Axis Anomalies: Parallels to Severe COVID-19.  J Pers Med 11.

Pfisterer N; Unger LW; Reiberger T, 2021. Clinical algorithms for the prevention of variceal bleeding and rebleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis.  World J Hepatol 13(7):731-746

Semmler G; Datz C; Reiberger T; Trauner M, 2021. Diet and exercise in NAFLD/NASH: Beyond the obvious.  Liver Int 41(10):2249-2268

Schmidbauer C; Chromy D; Schmidbauer VU; Schwarz M; Jachs M; Bauer DJM; Binter T; Apata M; Nguyen DT; Mandorfer M; Simbrunner B; Rieger A; Mayer F; Breuer M; Strassl R; Schmidt R; Holzmann H; Trauner M; Gschwantler M; Reiberger T, 2021. Epidemiological trends of HBV and HDV coinfection among Viennese HIV+ patients.  Liver Int 41(11):2622-2634

Königshofer P; Brusilovskaya K; Petrenko O; Hofer BS; Schwabl P; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2021. Nuclear receptors in liver fibrosis.  Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 1867(12):166235

Hartl L; Semmler G; Hofer BS; Schirwani N; Jachs M; Simbrunner B; Bauer DJM; Binter T; Pomej K; Pinter M; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Scheiner B, 2021. COVID-19-Related Downscaling of In-Hospital Liver Care Decreased Patient Satisfaction and Increased Liver-Related Mortality.  Hepatol Commun 5(10):1660-1675

Hartl L; Elias J; Prager G; Reiberger T; Unger LW, 2021. Individualized treatment options for patients with non-cirrhotic and cirrhotic liver disease.  World J Gastroenterol 27(19):2281-2298

Jachs M; Binter T; Chromy D; Schalk H; Pichler K; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Hartl L; Schmidbauer C; Mayer F; Strassl R; Mandorfer M; Gschwantler M; Reiberger T, 2021. Outcomes of an HCV elimination program targeting the Viennese MSM population.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 133(13-14):635-640

Semmler G; Pomej K; Bauer DJM; Balcar L; Simbrunner B; Binter T; Hartl L; Becker J; Pinter M; Quehenberger P; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Lisman T; Reiberger T; Scheiner B, 2021. Safety of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with advanced liver disease.  Liver Int 41(9):2159-2170

Semmler G; Binter T; Kozbial K; Schwabl P; Chromy D; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Müllner-Bucsics T; Scheiner B; Stättermayer A; Pinter M; Steindl-Munda P; Trauner M; Ferenci P; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2021. Influence of Genetic Variants on Disease Regression and Outcomes in HCV-Related Advanced Chronic Liver Disease after SVR.  J Pers Med 11.

Simbrunner B; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2021. Recent advances in the understanding and management of hepatorenal syndrome.  Fac Rev 10:48

Schmidbauer C; Schwarz M; Schütz A; Schubert R; Schwanke C; Gutic E; Pirker R; Lang T; Reiberger T; Haltmayer H; Gschwantler M, 2021. Directly observed therapy at opioid substitution facilities using sofosbuvir/velpatasvir results in excellent SVR12 rates in PWIDs at high risk for non-adherence to DAA therapy.  PLoS One 16(6):e0252274

Balcar L; Semmler G; Pomej K; Simbrunner B; Bauer D; Hartl L; Jachs M; Paternostro R; Bucsics T; Pinter M; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Scheiner B, 2021. Patterns of acute decompensation in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis and course of acute-on-chronic liver failure.  United European Gastroenterol J 9(4):427-437

Pons M; Augustin S; Scheiner B; Guillaume M; Rosselli M; Rodrigues SG; Stefanescu H; Ma MM; Mandorfer M; Mergeay-Fabre M; Procopet B; Schwabl P; Ferlitsch A; Semmler G; Berzigotti A; Tsochatzis E; Bureau C; Reiberger T; Bosch J; Abraldes JG; Genescà J, 2021. Noninvasive Diagnosis of Portal Hypertension in Patients With Compensated Advanced Chronic Liver Disease.  Am J Gastroenterol 116(4):723-732

Hartl L; Jachs M; Desbalmes C; Schaufler D; Simbrunner B; Paternostro R; Schwabl P; Bauer DJM; Semmler G; Scheiner B; Bucsics T; Eigenbauer E; Marculescu R; Szekeres T; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Kastl S; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2021. The differential activation of cardiovascular hormones across distinct stages of portal hypertension predicts clinical outcomes.  Hepatol Int 15(5):1160-1173

Schmidbauer C; Chromy D; Schmidbauer V; Bauer D; Apata M; Nguyen D; Mandorfer M; Simbrunner B; Rieger A; Mayer F; Schmidt R; Holzmann H; Trauner M; Gschwantler M; Reiberger T, 2020. Epidemiological trends in HCV transmission and prevalence in the Viennese HIV+ population.  Liver Int 40(4):787-796

Scheiner B; Stättermayer AF; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Paternostro R; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Schmidt R; Marculescu R; Ferlitsch A; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Pinter M; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Ferenci P; Mandorfer M, 2020. Impact of HSD17B13 rs72613567 genotype on hepatic decompensation and mortality in patients with portal hypertension.  Liver Int 40(2):393-404

Praktiknjo M; Simón-Talero M; Römer J; Roccarina D; Martínez J; Lampichler K; Baiges A; Low G; Llop E; Maurer MH; Zipprich A; Triolo M; Maleux G; Fialla AD; Dam C; Vidal-González J; Majumdar A; Picón C; Toth D; Darnell A; Abraldes JG; López M; Jansen C; Chang J; Schierwagen R; Uschner F; Kukuk G; Meyer C; Thomas D; Wolter K; Strassburg CP; Laleman W; La Mura V; Ripoll C; Berzigotti A; Calleja JL; Tandon P; Hernandez-Gea V; Reiberger T; Albillos A; Tsochatzis EA; Krag A; Genescà J; Trebicka J, 2020. Total area of spontaneous portosystemic shunts independently predicts hepatic encephalopathy and mortality in liver cirrhosis.  J Hepatol 72(6):1140-1150

Simbrunner B; Beer A; Wöran K; Schmitz F; Primas C; Wewalka M; Pinter M; Dolak W; Scheiner B; Puespoek A; Trauner M; Oberhuber G; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2020. Portal hypertensive gastropathy is associated with iron deficiency anemia.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 132(1-2):1-11

Györi GP; Pereyra D; Rumpf B; Hackl H; Köditz C; Ortmayr G; Reiberger T; Trauner M; Berlakovich GA; Starlinger P, 2020. The von Willebrand Factor Facilitates Model for End-Stage Liver Disease-Independent Risk Stratification on the Waiting List for Liver Transplantation.  Hepatology 72(2):584-594

Paternostro R; Pfeiffenberger J; Ferenci P; Stättermayer AF; Stauber RE; Wrba F; Longerich T; Lackner K; Trauner M; Ferlitsch A; Reiberger T; Weiss KH, 2020. Non-invasive diagnosis of cirrhosis and long-term disease monitoring by transient elastography in patients with Wilson disease.  Liver Int 40(4):894-904

Unger LW; Forstner B; Muckenhuber M; Scheuba K; Eigenbauer E; Scheiner B; Pfisterer N; Paternostro R; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2020. Hepatic Steatosis in Lean Patients: Risk Factors and Impact on Mortality.  Dig Dis Sci 65(9):2712-2718

Schwarzer R; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M; Kivaranovic D; Hametner S; Hametner S; Paternostro R; Scheiner B; Schneeweiss-Friedl J; Trauner M; Schoefl R; Maieron A, 2020. The von Willebrand Factor antigen to platelet ratio (VITRO) score predicts hepatic decompensation and mortality in cirrhosis.  J Gastroenterol 55(5):533-542

Scheiner B; Semmler G; Maurer F; Schwabl P; Bucsics TA; Paternostro R; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2020. Prevalence of and risk factors for anaemia in patients with advanced chronic liver disease.  Liver Int 40(1):194-204

Mandorfer M; Kozbial K; Schwabl P; Chromy D; Semmler G; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Hernández-Gea V; Fritzer-Szekeres M; Steindl-Munda P; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; García-Pagán JC; Ferenci P; Reiberger T, 2020. Changes in Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient Predict Hepatic Decompensation in Patients Who Achieved Sustained Virologic Response to Interferon-Free Therapy.  Hepatology 71(3):1023-1036

Bastati N; Beer L; Mandorfer M; Poetter-Lang S; Tamandl D; Bican Y; Elmer MC; Einspieler H; Semmler G; Simbrunner B; Weber M; Hodge JC; Vernuccio F; Sirlin C; Reiberger T; Ba-Ssalamah A, 2020. Does the Functional Liver Imaging Score Derived from Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced MRI Predict Outcomes in Chronic Liver Disease?  Radiology 294(1):98-107

Trieb M; Rainer F; Stadlbauer V; Douschan P; Horvath A; Binder L; Trakaki A; Knuplez E; Scharnagl H; Stojakovic T; Heinemann Á; Mandorfer M; Paternostro R; Reiberger T; Pitarch C; Amorós A; Gerbes A; Caraceni P; Alessandria C; Moreau R; Clària J; Marsche G; Stauber RE, 2020. HDL-related biomarkers are robust predictors of survival in patients with chronic liver failure.  J Hepatol 73(1):113-120

Mandorfer M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferenci P; Reiberger T, 2020. Dynamics of platelet count after sustained virologic response do not mirror those of hepatic venous pressure gradient.  Liver Int 40(4):988-989

Chromy D; Schmidt R; Mandorfer M; Lang GF; Bauer D; Schwabl P; Popow-Kraupp T; Reiberger T; Mayer F, 2020. Hepatitis C Virus RNA Is Commonly Detectable in Rectal and Nasal Fluids of Patients With High Viremia.  Clin Infect Dis 71(5):1292-1299

Scheiner B; Northup PG; Gruber AB; Semmler G; Leitner G; Quehenberger P; Thaler J; Ay C; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Lisman T; Mandorfer M, 2020. The impact of ABO blood type on the prevalence of portal vein thrombosis in patients with advanced chronic liver disease.  Liver Int 40(6):1415-1426

Mandorfer M; Hernández-Gea V; García-Pagán JC; Reiberger T, 2020. Noninvasive Diagnostics for Portal Hypertension: A Comprehensive Review.  Semin Liver Dis 40(3):240-255

Schmidbauer C; Schubert R; Schütz A; Schwanke C; Luhn J; Gutic E; Pirker R; Lang T; Reiberger T; Haltmayer H; Gschwantler M, 2020. Directly observed therapy for HCV with glecaprevir/pibrentasvir alongside opioid substitution in people who inject drugs-First real world data from Austria.  PLoS One 15(3):e0229239

Stift J; Semmler G; Wöran K; Simbrunner B; Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Pinter M; Stättermayer AF; Meischl T; Beer A; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2020. Comparison of the diagnostic quality of aspiration and core-biopsy needles for transjugular liver biopsy.  Dig Liver Dis 52(12):1473-1479

Turco L; Villanueva C; La Mura V; García-Pagán JC; Reiberger T; Genescà J; Groszmann RJ; Sharma BC; Merkel C; Bureau C; Alvarado E; Abraldes JG; Albillos A; Bañares R; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Augustin S; Sarin SK; Bosch J; García-Tsao G, 2020. Lowering Portal Pressure Improves Outcomes of Patients With Cirrhosis, With or Without Ascites: A Meta-Analysis.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 18(2):313-327.e6

Simbrunner B; Semmler G; Stadlmann A; Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Bucsics T; Bauer D; Eigenbauer E; Pinter M; Stättermayer AF; Quehenberger P; Marculescu R; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2020. Vitamin A levels reflect disease severity and portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis.  Hepatol Int 14(6):1093-1103

Sladky VC; Knapp K; Szabo TG; Braun VZ; Bongiovanni L; van den Bos H; Spierings DC; Westendorp B; Curinha A; Stojakovic T; Scharnagl H; Timelthaler G; Tsuchia K; Pinter M; Semmler G; Foijer F; de Bruin A; Reiberger T; Rohr-Udilova N; Villunger A, 2020. PIDDosome-induced p53-dependent ploidy restriction facilitates hepatocarcinogenesis.  EMBO Rep 21(12):e50893

Hamesch K; Guldiken N; Aly M; Hüser N; Hartmann D; Rufat P; Ziol M; Remih K; Lurje G; Scheiner B; Trautwein C; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Mueller S; Bruns T; Nahon P; Strnad P, 2020. Serum keratin 19 (CYFRA21-1) links ductular reaction with portal hypertension and outcome of various advanced liver diseases.  BMC Med 18(1):336

Torres S; Abdullah Z; Brol MJ; Hellerbrand C; Fernandez M; Fiorotto R; Klein S; Königshofer P; Liedtke C; Lotersztajn S; Nevzorova YA; Schierwagen R; Reiberger T; Uschner FE; Tacke F; Weiskirchen R; Trebicka J, 2020. Recent Advances in Practical Methods for Liver Cell Biology: A Short Overview.  Int J Mol Sci 21.

Raeven P; Baron-Stefaniak J; Simbrunner B; Stadlmann A; Schwabl P; Scheiner B; Schaden E; Eigenbauer E; Quehenberger P; Mandorfer M; Baron DM; Reiberger T, 2020. Thromboelastometry in patients with advanced chronic liver disease stratified by severity of portal hypertension.  Hepatol Int 14(6):1083-1092

Pomej K; Scheiner B; Park D; Bauer D; Balcar L; Meischl T; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Müller C; Trauner M; Pinter M, 2020. Vascular Complications in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Sorafenib.  Cancers (Basel) 12.

Brusilovskaya K; Königshofer P; Lampach D; Szodl A; Supper P; Bauer D; Beer A; Stift J; Timelthaler G; Oberhuber G; Podesser BK; Seif M; Zinober K; Rohr-Udilova N; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Schwabl P, 2020. Soluble guanylyl cyclase stimulation and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition improve portal hypertension and reduce liver fibrosis in bile duct-ligated rats.  United European Gastroenterol J 8(10):1174-1185

Semmler G; Wöran K; Scheiner B; Unger LW; Paternostro R; Stift J; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Bauer D; Simbrunner B; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2020. Novel reliability criteria for controlled attenuation parameter assessments for non-invasive evaluation of hepatic steatosis.  United European Gastroenterol J 8(3):321-331

Beer L; Bastati N; Ba-Ssalamah A; Pötter-Lang S; Lampichler K; Bican Y; Lauber D; Hodge J; Binter T; Pomej K; Simbrunner B; Semmler G; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2020. MRI-defined sarcopenia predicts mortality in patients with chronic liver disease.  Liver Int 40(11):2797-2807

Trebicka J; Fernandez J; Papp M; Caraceni P; Laleman W; Gambino C; Giovo I; Uschner FE; Jimenez C; Mookerjee R; Gustot T; Albillos A; Bañares R; Janicko M; Steib C; Reiberger T; Acevedo J; Gatti P; Bernal W; Zeuzem S; Zipprich A; Piano S; Berg T; Bruns T; Bendtsen F; Coenraad M; Merli M; Stauber R; Zoller H; Ramos JP; Solè C; Soriano G; de Gottardi A; Gronbaek H; Saliba F; Trautwein C; Özdogan OC; Francque S; Ryder S; Nahon P; Romero-Gomez M; Van Vlierberghe H; Francoz C; Manns M; Garcia E; Tufoni M; Amoros A; Pavesi M; Sanchez C; Curto A; Pitarch C; Putignano A; Moreno E; Shawcross D; Aguilar F; Clària J; Ponzo P; Jansen C; Vitalis Z; Zaccherini G; Balogh B; Vargas V; Montagnese S; Alessandria C; Bernardi M; Ginès P; Jalan R; Moreau R; Angeli P; Arroyo V, 2020. The PREDICT study uncovers three clinical courses of acutely decompensated cirrhosis that have distinct pathophysiology.  J Hepatol 73(4):842-854

Reiberger T; Schwabl P; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Mandorfer M, 2020. Measurement of the Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient and Transjugular Liver Biopsy.  J Vis Exp.

Uschner FE; Glückert K; Paternostro R; Gnad T; Schierwagen R; Mandorfer M; Magdaleno F; Ortiz C; Schwarzkopf K; Kamath PS; Alessandria C; Boesecke C; Pfeifer A; Reiberger T; Kreisel W; Sauerbruch T; Ferlitsch A; Trebicka J; Klein S, 2020. Combination of phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitors and beta blockers improves experimental portal hypertension and erectile dysfunction.  Liver Int 40(9):2228-2241

Schneider CV; Hamesch K; Gross A; Mandorfer M; Moeller LS; Pereira V; Pons M; Kuca P; Reichert MC; Benini F; Burbaum B; Voss J; Gutberlet M; Woditsch V; Lindhauer C; Fromme M; Kümpers J; Bewersdorf L; Schaefer B; Eslam M; Bals R; Janciauskiene S; Carvão J; Neureiter D; Zhou B; Wöran K; Bantel H; Geier A; Dirrichs T; Stickel F; Teumer A; Verbeek J; Nevens F; Govaere O; Krawczyk M; Roskams T; Haybaeck J; Lurje G; Chorostowska-Wynimko J; Genesca J; Reiberger T; Lammert F; Krag A; George J; Anstee QM; Trauner M; Datz C; Gaisa NT; Denk H; Trautwein C; Aigner E; Strnad P, 2020. Liver Phenotypes of European Adults Heterozygous or Homozygous for Pi∗Z Variant of AAT (Pi∗MZ vs Pi∗ZZ genotype) and Noncarriers.  Gastroenterology 159(2):534-548.e11

Simbrunner B; Marculescu R; Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Stadlmann A; Bauer DJM; Paternostro R; Eigenbauer E; Pinter M; Stättermayer AF; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2020. Non-invasive detection of portal hypertension by enhanced liver fibrosis score in patients with different aetiologies of advanced chronic liver disease.  Liver Int 40(7):1713-1724

Hamesch K; Mandorfer M; Pereira VM; Moeller LS; Pons M; Dolman GE; Reichert MC; Schneider CV; Woditsch V; Voss J; Lindhauer C; Fromme M; Spivak I; Guldiken N; Zhou B; Arslanow A; Schaefer B; Zoller H; Aigner E; Reiberger T; Wetzel M; Siegmund B; Simões C; Gaspar R; Maia L; Costa D; Bento-Miranda M; van Helden J; Yagmur E; Bzdok D; Stolk J; Gleiber W; Knipel V; Windisch W; Mahadeva R; Bals R; Koczulla R; Barrecheguren M; Miravitlles M; Janciauskiene S; Stickel F; Lammert F; Liberal R; Genesca J; Griffiths WJ; Trauner M; Krag A; Trautwein C; Strnad P, 2019. Liver Fibrosis and Metabolic Alterations in Adults With alpha-1-antitrypsin Deficiency Caused by the Pi*ZZ Mutation.  Gastroenterology 157(3):705-719.e18

Chromy D; Mandorfer M; Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Bauer D; Scheiner B; Schmidbauer C; Lang GF; Szekeres T; Ferenci P; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2019. Prevalence and Predictors of Hepatic Steatosis in Patients with HIV/HCV Coinfection and the Impact of HCV Eradication.  AIDS Patient Care STDS 33(5):197-206

Chromy D; Mandorfer M; Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Scheiner B; Schmidbauer C; Aichelburg MC; Ferenci P; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2019. High efficacy of interferon-free therapy for acute hepatitis C in HIV-positive patients.  United European Gastroenterol J 7(4):507-516

Semmler G; Simbrunner B; Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Bucsics T; Stättermayer AF; Bauer D; Pinter M; Ferenci P; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2019. Impact of farnesoid X receptor single nucleotide polymorphisms on hepatic decompensation and mortality in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension.  J Gastroenterol Hepatol 34(12):2164-2172

Stift J; Semmler G; Walzel C; Mandorfer M; Schwarzer R; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Scheiner B; Wöran K; Pinter M; Stättermayer AF; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A; Reiberger T, 2019. Transjugular aspiration liver biopsy performed by hepatologists trained in HVPG measurements is safe and provides important diagnostic information.  Dig Liver Dis 51(8):1144-1151

Beer L; Mandorfer M; Bastati N; Poetter-Lang S; Tamandl D; Stoyanova DP; Elmer MC; Semmler G; Simbrunner B; Hodge JC; Sirlin CB; Reiberger T; Ba-Ssalamah A, 2019. Inter- and intra-reader agreement for gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI parameter readings in patients with chronic liver diseases.  Eur Radiol 29(12):6600-6610

Scheiner B; Kirstein MM; Hucke F; Finkelmeier F; Schulze K; von Felden J; Koch S; Schwabl P; Hinrichs JB; Waneck F; Waidmann O; Reiberger T; Müller C; Sieghart W; Trauner M; Weinmann A; Wege H; Trojan J; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Vogel A; Pinter M, 2019. Programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1)-targeted immunotherapy in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: efficacy and safety data from an international multicentre real-world cohort.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 49(10):1323-1333

Königshofer P; Brusilovskaya K; Schwabl P; Reiberger T, 2019. Animal models of portal hypertension.  Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 1865(5):1019-1030

Paternostro R; Reiberger T; Bucsics T, 2019. Elastography-based screening for esophageal varices in patients with advanced chronic liver disease.  World J Gastroenterol 25(3):308-329

Pfisterer N; Riedl F; Pachofszky T; Gschwantler M; König K; Schuster B; Mandorfer M; Gessl I; Illiasch C; Fuchs EM; Unger L; Dolak W; Maieron A; Kramer L; Madl C; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2019. Outcomes after placement of a SX-ELLA oesophageal stent for refractory variceal bleeding-A national multicentre study.  Liver Int 39(2):290-298

Scheiner B; Steininger L; Semmler G; Unger LW; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Paternostro R; Ferlitsch A; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2019. Controlled attenuation parameter does not predict hepatic decompensation in patients with advanced chronic liver disease.  Liver Int 39(1):127-135

Meischl T; Rasoul-Rockenschaub S; Györi G; Sieghart W; Reiberger T; Trauner M; Soliman T; Berlakovich G; Pinter M, 2019. C-reactive protein is an independent predictor for hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation.  PLoS One 14(5):e0216677

Paternostro R; Heinisch BB; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M; Bardach C; Lampichler K; Seeland B; Schwarzer R; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2019. Dysbalanced sex hormone status is an independent predictor of decompensation and mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis.  Hepatol Res 49(2):201-211

Scheiner B; Kirstein M; Popp S; Hucke F; Bota S; Rohr-Udilova N; Reiberger T; Müller C; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Vogel A; Sieghart W; Pinter M, 2019. Association of Platelet Count and Mean Platelet Volume with Overall Survival in Patients with Cirrhosis and Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma.  Liver Cancer 8(3):203-217

Unger LW; Forstner B; Schneglberger S; Muckenhuber M; Eigenbauer E; Scheiner B; Mandorfer M; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2019. Patterns and prevalence of dyslipidemia in patients with different etiologies of chronic liver disease.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 131(17-18):395-403

Semmler G; Stift J; Scheiner B; Wöran K; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Bucsics T; Stättermayer AF; Pinter M; Ferlitsch A; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2019. Performance of Controlled Attenuation Parameter in Patients with Advanced Chronic Liver Disease and Portal Hypertension.  Dig Dis Sci 64(12):3642-3651

Simbrunner B; Mandorfer M; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2019. Gut-liver axis signaling in portal hypertension.  World J Gastroenterol 25(39):5897-5917

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2019. Editorial: pressure to close the therapeutic window of non-selective beta blockers?  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 50(8):957-958

Dalos D; Binder C; Duca F; Aschauer S; Kammerlander A; Hengstenberg C; Mascherbauer J; Reiberger T; Bonderman D, 2019. Serum levels of gamma-glutamyltransferase predict outcome in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.  Sci Rep 9(1):18541

Semmler G; Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Paternostro R; Chromy D; Stättermayer AF; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Ferlitsch A; Reiberger T, 2019. The impact of hepatic steatosis on portal hypertension.  PLoS One 14(11):e0224506

Schwabl P; Köppel S; Königshofer P; Bucsics T; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Liebmann B, 2019. Detection of Various Microplastics in Human Stool: A Prospective Case Series.  Ann Intern Med 171(7):453-457

Paternostro R; Lampichler K; Bardach C; Asenbaum U; Landler C; Bauer D; Mandorfer M; Schwarzer R; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A, 2019. The value of different CT-based methods for diagnosing low muscle mass and predicting mortality in patients with cirrhosis.  Liver Int 39(12):2374-2385

Unger LW; Forstner B; Schneglberger S; Muckenhuber M; Eigenbauer E; Bauer D; Scheiner B; Mandorfer M; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2019. Guideline-conform statin use reduces overall mortality in patients with compensated liver disease.  Sci Rep 9(1):11674

Scheiner B; Ulbrich G; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Müller C; Waneck F; Trauner M; Kölblinger C; Ferlitsch A; Sieghart W; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Pinter M, 2019. Short- and long-term effects of transarterial chemoembolization on portal hypertension in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.  United European Gastroenterol J 7(6):850-858

Brusilovskaya K; Königshofer P; Schwabl P; Reiberger T, 2019. Vascular Targets for the Treatment of Portal Hypertension.  Semin Liver Dis 39(4):483-501

Simbrunner B; Röthenbacher A; Haslacher H; Bauer D; Chromy D; Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Scheiner B; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Schwarzinger I; Reiberger T, 2019. Ascitic fluid polymorphic nuclear cell count impacts on outcome of cirrhotic patients with ascites.  United European Gastroenterol J 7(5):651-661

Pfisterer N; Dexheimer C; Fuchs EM; Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Gessl I; Sandrieser L; Baumann L; Riedl F; Scheiner B; Pachofszky T; Dolak W; Schrutka-Kölbl C; Ferlitsch A; Schöniger-Hekele M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Trauner M; Madl C; Reiberger T, 2018. Betablockers do not increase efficacy of band ligation in primary prophylaxis but they improve survival in secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(7):966-979

Mandorfer M; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Pomej K; Bauer D; Thaler J; Ay C; Quehenberger P; Fritzer-Szekeres M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Von Willebrand factor indicates bacterial translocation, inflammation, and procoagulant imbalance and predicts complications independently of portal hypertension severity.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(7):980-988

Paternostro R; Heinisch BB; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M; Schwarzer R; Seeland B; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Erectile dysfunction in cirrhosis is impacted by liver dysfunction, portal hypertension, diabetes and arterial hypertension.  Liver Int 38(8):1427-1436

Bucsics T; Schoder M; Diermayr M; Feldner-Busztin M; Goeschl N; Bauer D; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Angermayr B; Cejna M; Ferlitsch A; Sieghart W; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Karner J; Karnel F; Reiberger T, 2018. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) for the prevention of variceal re-bleeding - A two decades experience.  PLoS One 13(1):e0189414

Lo GH; Reiberger T, 2018. Peptic ulcer bleeding in patients with cirrhosis: Is it as bad as variceal bleeding?  Hepatology 67(4):1219-1220

Schwarzer R; Kivaranovic D; Paternostro R; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Carvedilol for reducing portal pressure in primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding: a dose-response study.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(8):1162-1169

Schwarzer R; Kivaranovic D; Mandorfer M; Paternostro R; Wolrab D; Heinisch B; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch M; Gerner C; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Randomised clinical study: the effects of oral taurine 6g/day vs placebo on portal hypertension.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(1):86-94

Viveiros A; Finkenstedt A; Schaefer B; Mandorfer M; Scheiner B; Lehner K; Tobiasch M; Reiberger T; Tilg H; Edlinger M; Zoller H, 2018. Transferrin as a predictor of survival in cirrhosis.  Liver Transpl 24(3):343-351

Starlinger P; Pereyra D; Haegele S; Braeuer P; Oehlberger L; Primavesi F; Kohler A; Offensperger F; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A; Messner B; Beldi G; Staettner S; Brostjan C; Gruenberger T, 2018. Perioperative von Willebrand factor dynamics are associated with liver regeneration and predict outcome after liver resection.  Hepatology 67(4):1516-1530

Moser S; Kozbial K; Laferl H; Schütz A; Reiberger T; Schwabl P; Gutic E; Schwanke C; Schubert R; Luhn J; Lang T; Schleicher M; Steindl-Munda P; Haltmayer H; Ferenci P; Gschwantler M, 2018. Efficacy of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for 12 weeks in patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 3 and compensated liver disease.  Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 30(3):291-295

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2018. Role of diuretics in the harmful effects of beta blockers in patients with ascites. Author's reply.  Dig Liver Dis 50(1):102-103

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2018. Monitoring the Evolution of Portal Hypertension After Sustained Virologic Response.  Gastroenterology 154(5):1550-1551

Bucsics T; Hoffman S; Grünberger J; Schoder M; Matzek W; Stadlmann A; Mandorfer M; Schwabl P; Ferlitsch A; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Trauner M; Karner J; Karnel F; Reiberger T, 2018. ePTFE-TIPS vs repetitive LVP plus albumin for the treatment of refractory ascites in patients with cirrhosis.  Liver Int 38(6):1036-1044

Unger LW; Berlakovich GA; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2018. Management of portal hypertension before and after liver transplantation.  Liver Transpl 24(1):112-121

Chromy D; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Scheiner B; Strassl R; Mayer F; Aichelburg MC; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2018. Non-invasive liver fibrosis assessment and HCV treatment initiation within a systematic screening program in HIV/HCV coinfected patients.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 130(3-4):105-114

Rohr-Udilova N; Bauer E; Timelthaler G; Eferl R; Stolze K; Pinter M; Seif M; Hayden H; Reiberger T; Schulte-Hermann R; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Stoiber D; Trauner M, 2018. Impact of glutathione peroxidase 4 on cell proliferation, angiogenesis and cytokine production in hepatocellular carcinoma.  Oncotarget 9(11):10054-10068

Simón-Talero M; Roccarina D; Martínez J; Lampichler K; Baiges A; Low G; Llop E; Praktiknjo M; Maurer MH; Zipprich A; Triolo M; Vangrinsven G; Garcia-Martinez R; Dam A; Majumdar A; Picón C; Toth D; Darnell A; Abraldes JG; Lopez M; Kukuk G; Krag A; Bañares R; Laleman W; La Mura V; Ripoll C; Berzigotti A; Trebicka J; Calleja JL; Tandon P; Hernandez-Gea V; Reiberger T; Albillos A; Tsochatzis EA; Augustin S; Genescà J, 2018. Association Between Portosystemic Shunts and Increased Complications and Mortality in Patients With Cirrhosis.  Gastroenterology 154(6):1694-1705.e4

Pfisterer N; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2018. Editorial: use of beta-blockers and band ligation in preventing first and recurrent variceal bleeding-"real life" vs evidence-based decisions. Authors' reply.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(8):1224-1225

Mandorfer M; Bucsics T; Hutya V; Schmid-Scherzer K; Schaefer B; Zoller H; Ferlitsch A; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Trauner M; Ferenci P; Kneussl M; Reiberger T, 2018. Liver disease in adults with α1-antitrypsin deficiency.  United European Gastroenterol J 6(5):710-718

Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Editorial: optimal dose of carvedilol in portal hypertension…nearly there. Authors' reply.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(9):1329-1330

Reiberger T; Bucsics T; Paternostro R; Pfisterer N; Riedl F; Mandorfer M, 2018. Small Esophageal Varices in Patients with Cirrhosis-Should We Treat Them?  Curr Hepatol Rep 17(4):301-315

Steininger M; Winter MP; Reiberger T; Koller L; El-Hamid F; Forster S; Schnaubelt S; Hengstenberg C; Distelmaier K; Goliasch G; Wojta J; Toma A; Niessner A; Sulzgruber P, 2018. De-Ritis Ratio Improves Long-Term Risk Prediction after Acute Myocardial Infarction.  J Clin Med 7.

Trebicka J; Reiberger T; Laleman W, 2018. Gut-Liver Axis Links Portal Hypertension to Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure.  Visc Med 34(4):270-275

Mandorfer M; Scheiner B; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Editorial: surviving your genes-the role of PNPLA3 variation in end-stage liver disease. Authors' reply.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 48(7):775-776

Bucsics T; Grasl B; Ferlitsch A; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Zinober K; Stern R; Chromy D; Scheiner B; Sieghart W; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2018. Point Shear Wave Elastography for Non-invasive Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Viral Hepatitis.  Ultrasound Med Biol 44(12):2578-2586

Haider L; Mandorfer M; Güngören Z; Reiberger T; Bastati N; Hodge JC; Chromy D; Trauner M; Herold C; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ba-Ssalamah A, 2018. Noninvasive Monitoring of Liver Disease Regression after Hepatitis C Eradication Using Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI.  Contrast Media Mol Imaging 2018:8489709

Königshofer P; Brusilovskaya K; Schwabl P; Podesser BK; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2018. Invasive Hemodynamic Characterization of the Portal-hypertensive Syndrome in Cirrhotic Rats.  J Vis Exp.

Mandorfer M; Scheiner B; Stättermayer AF; Schwabl P; Paternostro R; Bauer D; Schaefer B; Zoller H; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Ferenci P; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Impact of patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 3 rs738409 G/G genotype on hepatic decompensation and mortality in patients with portal hypertension.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 48(4):451-459

Reiberger T, 2018. When Should We Stop Treatment With Terlipressin and Albumin for Patients With Hepatorenal Syndrome?  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 16(11):1710-1711

Schwabl P; Brusilovskaya K; Supper P; Bauer D; Königshofer P; Riedl F; Hayden H; Fuchs CD; Stift J; Oberhuber G; Aschauer S; Bonderman D; Gnad T; Pfeifer A; Uschner FE; Trebicka J; Rohr-Udilova N; Podesser BK; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Trauner M; Reiberger T, 2018. The soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat reduces fibrogenesis and portal pressure in cirrhotic rats.  Sci Rep 8(1):9372

Scheiner B; Stammet PR; Pokorny S; Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Brichta A; Thaler J; Lampichler K; Ba-Ssalamah A; Ay C; Ferlitsch A; Trauner M; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2018. Anticoagulation in non-malignant portal vein thrombosis is safe and improves hepatic function.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 130(13-14):446-455

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A, 2018. Editorial: von Willebrand factor and CRP levels may predict survival in liver cirrhosis-Authors' reply.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 47(11):1537-1538

Piecha F; Mandorfer M; Peccerella T; Ozga AK; Poth T; Vonbank A; Seitz HK; Rausch V; Reiberger T; Mueller S, 2018. Pharmacological decrease of liver stiffness is pressure-related and predicts long-term clinical outcome.  Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 315(4):G484-G494

Rohr-Udilova N; Klinglmüller F; Schulte-Hermann R; Stift J; Herac M; Salzmann M; Finotello F; Timelthaler G; Oberhuber G; Pinter M; Reiberger T; Jensen-Jarolim E; Eferl R; Trauner M, 2018. Deviations of the immune cell landscape between healthy liver and hepatocellular carcinoma.  Sci Rep 8(1):6220

Ferraioli G; De Silvestri A; Reiberger T; Taylor-Robinson SD; de Knegt RJ; Maiocchi L; Mare R; Bucsics T; Atzori S; Tinelli C; Sporea I, 2018. Adherence to quality criteria improves concordance between transient elastography and ElastPQ for liver stiffness assessment-A multicenter retrospective study.  Dig Liver Dis 50(10):1056-1061

Unger LW; Herac M; Staufer K; Salat A; Silberhumer G; Hofmann M; Trauner M; Rasoul-Rockenschaub S; Soliman T; Reiberger T; Berlakovich GA, 2017. The post-transplant course of patients undergoing liver transplantation for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis versus cryptogenic cirrhosis: a retrospective case-control study.  Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 29(3):309-316

Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Steiner S; Scheiner B; Chromy D; Herac M; Bucsics T; Hayden H; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Ferlitsch A; Oberhuber G; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2017. Interferon-free regimens improve portal hypertension and histological necroinflammation in HIV/HCV patients with advanced liver disease.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 45(1):139-149

Paternostro R; Wagner D; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M; Schwarzer R; Ferlitsch M; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2017. Low 25-OH-vitamin D levels reflect hepatic dysfunction and are associated with mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 129(1-2):8-15

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2017. Beta blockers and cirrhosis, 2016.  Dig Liver Dis 49(1):3-10

Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2017. Beta adrenergic blockade and decompensated cirrhosis.  J Hepatol 66(4):849-859

Fuchs CD; Paumgartner G; Wahlström A; Schwabl P; Reiberger T; Leditznig N; Stojakovic T; Rohr-Udilova N; Chiba P; Marschall HU; Trauner M, 2017. Metabolic preconditioning protects BSEP/ABCB11-/- mice against cholestatic liver injury.  J Hepatol 66(1):95-101

Mandorfer M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2017. Prevention of progression from small to large varices: are we there yet? An updated meta-analysis.  Gut 66(7):1347-1349

Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2017. Editorial: direct acting antivirals - not the be-all and end-all in HIV/HCV co-infection. Authors' reply.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 45(4):570-571

Schwabl P; Hambruch E; Seeland BA; Hayden H; Wagner M; Garnys L; Strobel B; Schubert TL; Riedl F; Mitteregger D; Burnet M; Starlinger P; Oberhuber G; Deuschle U; Rohr-Udilova N; Podesser BK; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T; Kremoser C; Trauner M, 2017. The FXR agonist PX20606 ameliorates portal hypertension by targeting vascular remodelling and sinusoidal dysfunction.  J Hepatol 66(4):724-733

Scheiner B; Lindner G; Reiberger T; Schneeweiss B; Trauner M; Zauner C; Funk GC, 2017. Acid-base disorders in liver disease.  J Hepatol 67(5):1062-1073

Steiner S; Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Scheiner B; Aichelburg MC; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Ferenci P; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2017. Progress in eradication of HCV in HIV positive patients with significant liver fibrosis in Vienna.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 129(15-16):517-526

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2017. Reply to: "Non selective beta blockers in cirrhosis".  J Hepatol 67(6):1343-1344

Unger LW; Stork T; Bucsics T; Rasoul-Rockenschaub S; Staufer K; Trauner M; Maschke S; Pawloff M; Soliman T; Reiberger T; Berlakovich GA, 2017. The role of TIPS in the management of liver transplant candidates.  United European Gastroenterol J 5(8):1100-1107

Reiberger T; Püspök A; Schoder M; Baumann-Durchschein F; Bucsics T; Datz C; Dolak W; Ferlitsch A; Finkenstedt A; Graziadei I; Hametner S; Karnel F; Krones E; Maieron A; Mandorfer M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Rainer F; Schwabl P; Stadlbauer V; Stauber R; Tilg H; Trauner M; Zoller H; Schöfl R; Fickert P, 2017. Austrian consensus guidelines on the management and treatment of portal hypertension (Billroth III).  Wien Klin Wochenschr 129(Suppl 3):135-158

Mandorfer M; Schwabl P; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2017. Letter: sustained virological response and liver healing - authors' reply.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 45(8):1173-1174

Bucsics T; Schoder M; Goeschl N; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Diermayr M; Feldner M; Riedl F; Bauer D; Angermayr B; Cejna M; Ferlitsch A; Sieghart W; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Karner J; Karnel F; Reiberger T, 2017. Re-bleeding rates and survival after early transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) in clinical practice.  Dig Liver Dis 49(12):1360-1367

Asenbaum U; Ba-Ssalamah A; Mandorfer M; Nolz R; Furtner J; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A; Kaczirek K; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Wibmer AG, 2017. Effects of Portal Hypertension on Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Liver Magnetic Resonance: Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications.  Invest Radiol 52(8):462-469

Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2017. Reply to: "Beta adrenergic blockade and advanced cirrhosis: Does it really improve survival in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure?"  J Hepatol 67(4):880-881

Scheiner B; Parada-Rodriguez D; Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Pfisterer N; Riedl F; Sieghart W; Ferlitsch A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2017. Non-selective beta-blocker treatment does not impact on kidney function in cirrhotic patients with varices.  Scand J Gastroenterol 52(9):1008-1015

Reiberger T; Trebicka J, 2017. New liver - Fresh microbiome: Implications on brain function.  Liver Transpl 23(7):873-874

Paternostro R; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M; Schwarzer R; Schwabl P; Bota S; Ferlitsch M; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2017. Plasma renin concentration represents an independent risk factor for mortality and is associated with liver dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis.  J Gastroenterol Hepatol 32(1):184-190

Boesecke C; Ingiliz P; Reiberger T; Stellbrink HJ; Bhagani S; Page E; Mauss S; Lutz T; Voigt E; Guiguet M; Valantin MA; Baumgarten A; Nelson M; Vogel M; Rockstroh JK, 2016. Dual treatment of acute HCV infection in HIV co-infection: influence of HCV genotype upon treatment outcome.  Infection 44(1):93-101

Starlinger P; Haegele S; Offensperger F; Oehlberger L; Pereyra D; Kral JB; Schrottmaier WC; Badrnya S; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A; Stift J; Luf F; Brostjan C; Gruenberger T; Assinger A, 2016. The profile of platelet α-granule released molecules affects postoperative liver regeneration.  Hepatology 63(5):1675-88

Mandorfer M; Steiner S; Schwabl P; Payer BA; Aichelburg MC; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2016. Treatment intensification with boceprevir in HIV-positive patients with acute HCV-genotype 1 infection at high risk for treatment failure.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 128(11-12):414-20

Handisurya A; Kerscher C; Tura A; Herkner H; Payer BA; Mandorfer M; Werzowa J; Winnicki W; Reiberger T; Kautzky-Willer A; Pacini G; Säemann M; Schmidt A, 2016. Conversion from Tacrolimus to Cyclosporine A Improves Glucose Tolerance in HCV-Positive Renal Transplant Recipients.  PLoS One 11(1):e0145319

Mandorfer M; Schwabl P; Steiner S; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2016. Advances in the management of HIV/HCV coinfection.  Hepatol Int 10(3):424-35

Mandorfer M; Schwabl P; Steiner S; Scheiner B; Chromy D; Bucsics T; Stättermayer AF; Aichelburg MC; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2016. Interferon-free treatment with sofosbuvir/daclatasvir achieves sustained virologic response in 100% of HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients with advanced liver disease.  AIDS 30(7):1039-47

Herout S; Mandorfer M; Breitenecker F; Reiberger T; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Rieger A; Aichelburg MC, 2016. Impact of Early Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients with Acute HIV Infection in Vienna, Austria.  PLoS One 11(4):e0152910

Trebicka J; von Heydebrand M; Lehmann J; Tofteng F; Busk T; Jensen HL; Rohde J; Reiberger T; Mortensen C; Schierwagen R; Klein S; Møller S; Bendtsen F; Krag A, 2016. Assessment of response to beta-blockers by expression of βArr2 and RhoA/ROCK2 in antrum mucosa in cirrhotic patients.  J Hepatol 64(6):1265-73

Mandorfer M; Kozbial K; Schwabl P; Freissmuth C; Schwarzer R; Stern R; Chromy D; Stättermayer AF; Reiberger T; Beinhardt S; Sieghart W; Trauner M; Hofer H; Ferlitsch A; Ferenci P; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2016. Sustained virologic response to interferon-free therapies ameliorates HCV-induced portal hypertension.  J Hepatol 65(4):692-699

Scheiner B; Schwabl P; Steiner S; Bucsics T; Chromy D; Aichelburg MC; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M, 2016. Interferon-free regimens improve health-related quality of life and fatigue in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with advanced liver disease: A retrospective study.  Medicine (Baltimore) 95(27):e4061

Rutter K; Etschmaier A; Ferlitsch M; Maieron A; Hametner S; Horvatits T; Paternostro R; Salzl P; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Quehenberger P; Hofer H; Trauner M; Ferenci P; Ferlitsch A, 2016. von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF-Ag): A non-invasive predictor of treatment response and serious adverse events in HCV patients with interferon triple therapy.  Dig Liver Dis 48(10):1194-9

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T, 2016. Nonselective beta blockers in patients with ascites: implications of a nationwide study.  Liver Int 36(9):1255-7

Fuchs CD; Schwabl P; Reiberger T; Trauner M, 2016. Liver Capsule: FXR agonists against liver disease.  Hepatology 64(5):1773

Bucsics T; Schwabl P; Mandorfer M; Bota S; Sieghart W; Ferlitsch A; Trauner M; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2016. The trigger matters - outcome of hepatorenal syndrome vs. specifically triggered acute kidney injury in cirrhotic patients with ascites.  Liver Int 36(11):1649-1656

Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Soucek K; Mandorfer M; Bota S; Blacky A; Hirschl AM; Ferlitsch A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2015. Risk factors for development of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and subsequent mortality in cirrhotic patients with ascites.  Liver Int 35(9):2121-8

Mandorfer M; Payer BA; Schwabl P; Steiner S; Ferlitsch A; Aichelburg MC; Stättermayer AF; Ferenci P; Obermayer-Pietsch B; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2015. Revisiting liver disease progression in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients: the influence of vitamin D, insulin resistance, immune status, IL28B and PNPLA3.  Liver Int 35(3):876-85

Trebicka J; Wix C; von Heydebrand M; Hittatiya K; Reiberger T; Klein S; Schierwagen R; Kristiansen G; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Fischer HP; Møller S; Bendtsen F; Krag A; Sauerbruch T, 2015. Expression of vasoactive proteins in gastric antral mucosa reflects vascular dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.  Liver Int 35(4):1393-402

Schwabl P; Bota S; Salzl P; Mandorfer M; Payer BA; Ferlitsch A; Stift J; Wrba F; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2015. New reliability criteria for transient elastography increase the number of accurate measurements for screening of cirrhosis and portal hypertension.  Liver Int 35(2):381-90

Mandorfer M; Steiner S; Schwabl P; Payer BA; Aichelburg MC; Lang G; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2015. Response-guided boceprevir-based triple therapy in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients: the HIVCOBOC-RGT study.  J Infect Dis 211(5):729-35

Reiberger T, 2015. Chronic hepatitis C: treat everyone now or stratify by disease?  Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol 61(1):11-9

Chen Y; Ramjiawan RR; Reiberger T; Ng MR; Hato T; Huang Y; Ochiai H; Kitahara S; Unan EC; Reddy TP; Fan C; Huang P; Bardeesy N; Zhu AX; Jain RK; Duda DG, 2015. CXCR4 inhibition in tumor microenvironment facilitates anti-programmed death receptor-1 immunotherapy in sorafenib-treated hepatocellular carcinoma in mice.  Hepatology 61(5):1591-602

Ferlitsch A; Bota S; Paternostro R; Reiberger T; Mandorfer M; Heinisch B; Salzl P; Schwarzer R; Sieghart W; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch M, 2015. Evaluation of a new balloon occlusion catheter specifically designed for measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient.  Liver Int 35(9):2115-20

Jansen C; Reiberger T; Huang J; Eischeid H; Schierwagen R; Mandorfer M; Anadol E; Schwabl P; Schwarze-Zander C; Warnecke-Eberz U; Strassburg CP; Rockstroh JK; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Odenthal M; Trebicka J, 2015. Circulating miRNA-122 levels are associated with hepatic necroinflammation and portal hypertension in HIV/HCV coinfection.  PLoS One 10(2):e0116768

Sulzgruber P; Koller L; Reiberger T; El-Hamid F; Forster S; Rothgerber DJ; Goliasch G; Wojta J; Niessner A, 2015. Butyrylcholinesterase predicts cardiac mortality in young patients with acute coronary syndrome.  PLoS One 10(5):e0123948

Bucsics T; Mandorfer M; Schwabl P; Bota S; Sieghart W; Ferlitsch A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2015. Impact of acute kidney injury on prognosis of patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites: A retrospective cohort study.  J Gastroenterol Hepatol 30(11):1657-65

Bota S; Paternostro R; Etschmaier A; Schwarzer R; Salzl P; Mandorfer M; Kienbacher C; Ferlitsch M; Reiberger T; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2015. Performance of 2-D shear wave elastography in liver fibrosis assessment compared with serologic tests and transient elastography in clinical routine.  Ultrasound Med Biol 41(9):2340-9

de Franchis R, 2015. Expanding consensus in portal hypertension: Report of the Baveno VI Consensus Workshop: Stratifying risk and individualizing care for portal hypertension.  J Hepatol 63(3):743-52

Pinter M; Ulbrich G; Sieghart W; Kölblinger C; Reiberger T; Li S; Ferlitsch A; Müller C; Lammer J; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2015. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Phase II Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Trial of Transarterial Chemoembolization in Combination with Biweekly Intravenous Administration of Bevacizumab or a Placebo.  Radiology 277(3):903-12

Mandorfer M; Kozbial K; Freissmuth C; Schwabl P; Stättermayer AF; Reiberger T; Beinhardt S; Schwarzer R; Trauner M; Ferlitsch A; Hofer H; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferenci P, 2015. Interferon-free regimens for chronic hepatitis C overcome the effects of portal hypertension on virological responses.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 42(6):707-18

Reiberger T; Chen Y; Ramjiawan RR; Hato T; Fan C; Samuel R; Roberge S; Huang P; Lauwers GY; Zhu AX; Bardeesy N; Jain RK; Duda DG, 2015. An orthotopic mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma with underlying liver cirrhosis.  Nat Protoc 10(8):1264-74

Aichelburg MC; Weseslindtner L; Mandorfer M; Strassl R; Rieger A; Reiberger T; Puchhammer-Stöckl E; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K, 2015. Association of CMV-Specific T Cell-Mediated Immunity with CMV DNAemia and Development of CMV Disease in HIV-1-Infected Individuals.  PLoS One 10(8):e0137096

Scheiner B; Mandorfer M; Schwabl P; Payer BA; Bucsics T; Bota S; Aichelburg MC; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Stättermayer A; Ferenci P; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2015. The Impact of PNPLA3 rs738409 SNP on Liver Fibrosis Progression, Portal Hypertension and Hepatic Steatosis in HIV/HCV Coinfection.  PLoS One 10(11):e0143429

Mandorfer M; Bota S; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Pfisterer N; Kruzik M; Hagmann M; Blacky A; Ferlitsch A; Sieghart W; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2014. Nonselective β blockers increase risk for hepatorenal syndrome and death in patients with cirrhosis and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.  Gastroenterology 146(7):1680-90.e1

Mandorfer M; Payer BA; Scheiner B; Breitenecker F; Aichelburg MC; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Rieger A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2014. Health-related quality of life and severity of fatigue in HIV/HCV co-infected patients before, during, and after antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin.  Liver Int 34(1):69-77

Aichelburg MC; Reiberger T; Breitenecker F; Mandorfer M; Makristathis A; Rieger A, 2014. Reversion and conversion of interferon-γ release assay results in HIV-1-infected individuals.  J Infect Dis 209(5):729-33

Strassl R; Reiberger T; Honsig C; Payer BA; Mandorfer M; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Rieger A; Kundi M; Grundtner P; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Popow-Kraupp T, 2014. Viral determinants predicting hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroclearance in HIV-/HBV-coinfected patients.  J Viral Hepat 21(7):508-16

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Payer BA; Breitenecker F; Aichelburg MC; Obermayer-Pietsch B; Rieger A; Puoti M; Zangerle R; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2014. Revisiting predictors of virologic response to PEGIFN + RBV therapy in HIV-/HCV-coinfected patients: the role of metabolic factors and elevated GGT levels.  J Viral Hepat 21(1):33-41

Mandorfer M; Neukam K; Rivero A; Puoti M; Boesecke C; Baumgarten A; Grzeszczuk A; Zangerle R; Ernst D; Rockstroh JK; Trauner M; Pineda JA; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2014. Strategies for assignment of HIV-HCV genotype-1-coinfected patients to either dual-therapy or direct-acting antiviral agent-based triple-therapy.  Antivir Ther 19(4):407-14

Schwabl P; Payer BA; Grahovac J; Klein S; Horvatits T; Mitterhauser M; Stift J; Boucher Y; Trebicka J; Trauner M; Angermayr B; Fuhrmann V; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2014. Pioglitazone decreases portosystemic shunting by modulating inflammation and angiogenesis in cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic portal hypertensive rats.  J Hepatol 60(6):1135-42

Chen Y; Huang Y; Reiberger T; Duyverman AM; Huang P; Samuel R; Hiddingh L; Roberge S; Koppel C; Lauwers GY; Zhu AX; Jain RK; Duda DG, 2014. Differential effects of sorafenib on liver versus tumor fibrosis mediated by stromal-derived factor 1 alpha/C-X-C receptor type 4 axis and myeloid differentiation antigen-positive myeloid cell infiltration in mice.  Hepatology 59(4):1435-47

Real LM; Neukam K; Herrero R; Guardiola JM; Reiberger T; Rivero-Juarez A; Salazar J; Mandorfer M; Merino D; Soriano V; Rivero A; Macías J; Pineda JA; Caruz A, 2014. IFNL4 ss469415590 variant shows similar performance to rs12979860 as predictor of response to treatment against Hepatitis C Virus genotype 1 or 4 in Caucasians.  PLoS One 9(4):e95515

Salzl P; Reiberger T; Ferlitsch M; Payer BA; Schwengerer B; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2014. Evaluation of portal hypertension and varices by acoustic radiation force impulse imaging of the liver compared to transient elastography and AST to platelet ratio index.  Ultraschall Med 35(6):528-33

Aichelburg MC; Mandorfer M; Tittes J; Breitenecker F; Reiberger T; Rieger A; Kohrgruber N, 2014. The association of smoking with IGRA and TST results in HIV-1-infected subjects.  Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 18(6):709-16

Mandorfer M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2014. Reply: To PMID 24631577.  Gastroenterology 147(4):942

Reiberger T, 2014. Acute hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-infected men who have sex with men: should we change our screening practice?  Clin Infect Dis 59(12):1694-5

Jansen C; Leeming DJ; Mandorfer M; Byrjalsen I; Schierwagen R; Schwabl P; Karsdal MA; Anadol E; Strassburg CP; Rockstroh J; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Møller S; Bendtsen F; Krag A; Reiberger T; Trebicka J, 2014. PRO-C3-levels in patients with HIV/HCV-Co-infection reflect fibrosis stage and degree of portal hypertension.  PLoS One 9(9):e108544

Mandorfer M; Bota S; Schwabl P; Bucsics T; Pfisterer N; Summereder C; Hagmann M; Blacky A; Ferlitsch A; Sieghart W; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2014. Proton pump inhibitor intake neither predisposes to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis or other infections nor increases mortality in patients with cirrhosis and ascites.  PLoS One 9(11):e110503

Mandorfer M; Payer BA; Niederecker A; Lang G; Aichelburg MC; Strassl R; Boesecke C; Rieger A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Reiberger T, 2014. Therapeutic potential of and treatment with boceprevir/telaprevir-based triple-therapy in HIV/chronic hepatitis C co-infected patients in a real-world setting.  AIDS Patient Care STDS 28(5):221-7

Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A; Payer BA; Mandorfer M; Heinisch BB; Hayden H; Lammert F; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Vogelsang H, 2013. Non-selective betablocker therapy decreases intestinal permeability and serum levels of LBP and IL-6 in patients with cirrhosis.  J Hepatol 58(5):911-21

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Payer BA; Ferlitsch A; Breitenecker F; Aichelburg MC; Obermayer-Pietsch B; Rieger A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2013. Low vitamin D levels are associated with impaired virologic response to PEGIFN + RBV therapy in HIV-hepatitis C virus coinfected patients.  AIDS 27(2):227-32

Mandorfer M; Reiberger T; Payer BA; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2013. The influence of portal pressure on the discordance between absolute CD4+ cell count and CD4+ cell percentage in HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients.  Clin Infect Dis 56(6):904-5

Reiberger T; Ulbrich G; Ferlitsch A; Payer BA; Schwabl P; Pinter M; Heinisch BB; Trauner M; Kramer L; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2013. Carvedilol for primary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients with haemodynamic non-response to propranolol.  Gut 62(11):1634-41

Peck-Radosavljevic M; Angermayr B; Datz C; Ferlitsch A; Ferlitsch M; Fuhrmann V; Häfner M; Kramer L; Maieron A; Payer B; Reiberger T; Stauber R; Steininger R; Trauner M; Thurnher S; Ulbrich G; Vogel W; Zoller H; Graziadei I, 2013. Austrian consensus on the definition and treatment of portal hypertension and its complications (Billroth II).  Wien Klin Wochenschr 125(7-8):200-19

Reiberger T; Payer BA; Schwabl P; Hayden H; Horvatits T; Jäger B; Hummel T; Mitterhauser M; Trauner M; Fuhrmann V; Angermayr B; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2013. Nebivolol treatment increases splanchnic blood flow and portal pressure in cirrhotic rats via modulation of nitric oxide signalling.  Liver Int 33(4):561-8

Keane C; O'Shea D; Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Farrell G; Bergin C; Gardiner CM, 2013. Variation in both IL28B and KIR2DS3 genes influence pegylated interferon and ribavirin hepatitis C treatment outcome in HIV-1 co-infection.  PLoS One 8(6):e66831

Mandorfer M; Neukam K; Reiberger T; Payer BA; Rivero A; Puoti M; Boesecke C; Baumgarten A; Grzeszczuk A; Zangerle R; Meyer-Olson D; Rockstroh JK; Trauner M; Pineda JA; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2013. The impact of interleukin 28B rs12979860 single nucleotide polymorphism and liver fibrosis stage on response-guided therapy in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients.  AIDS 27(17):2707-14

Price H; Dunn D; Pillay D; Bani-Sadr F; de Vries-Sluijs T; Jain MK; Kuzushita N; Mauss S; Núñez M; Nüesch R; Peters M; Reiberger T; Stephan C; Tan L; Gilson R, 2013. Suppression of HBV by tenofovir in HBV/HIV coinfected patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  PLoS One 8(7):e68152

Reiberger T; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. The "pegylated" story continues--perhaps because both ends (α2a and α2b) are true?  J Hepatol 57(1):226-8; author reply 229

Pinter M; Sieghart W; Reiberger T; Rohr-Udilova N; Ferlitsch A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. The effects of sorafenib on the portal hypertensive syndrome in patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma--a pilot study.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther 35(1):83-91

Payer BA; Reiberger T; Aberle J; Ferenci P; Holzmann H; Rieger A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. IL28B and interferon-gamma inducible protein 10 for prediction of rapid virologic response and sustained virologic response in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients.  Eur J Clin Invest 42(6):599-606

Vogel M; Page E; Boesecke C; Reiberger T; Schwarze-Zander C; Mauss S; Baumgarten A; Wasmuth JC; Nelson M; Rockstroh JK, 2012. Liver fibrosis progression after acute hepatitis C virus infection in HIV-positive individuals.  Clin Infect Dis 54(4):556-9

Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A; Payer BA; Pinter M; Homoncik M; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. Non-selective β-blockers improve the correlation of liver stiffness and portal pressure in advanced cirrhosis.  J Gastroenterol 47(5):561-8

Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A; Payer BA; Pinter M; Schwabl P; Stift J; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. Noninvasive screening for liver fibrosis and portal hypertension by transient elastography--a large single center experience.  Wien Klin Wochenschr 124(11-12):395-402

Payer BA; Reiberger T; Breitenecker F; Aichelburg MC; Schuster C; Heil PM; Scherzer TM; Ferenci P; Rieger A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. The risk of infections in HIV-HCV coinfected patients during antiviral therapy with pegIFN+RBV.  J Infect 65(2):142-9

Aichelburg MC; Tittes J; Breitenecker F; Reiberger T; Kohrgruber N; Rieger A, 2012. Prognostic value of indeterminate IFN-γ release assay results in HIV-1 infection.  J Clin Microbiol 50(8):2767-9

Jaroszewicz J; Reiberger T; Meyer-Olson D; Mauss S; Vogel M; Ingiliz P; Payer BA; Stoll M; Manns MP; Schmidt RE; Flisiak R; Wedemeyer H; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Rockstroh J; Cornberg M, 2012. Hepatitis B surface antigen concentrations in patients with HIV/HBV co-infection.  PLoS One 7(8):e43143

Reiberger T; Payer BA; Ferlitsch A; Sieghart W; Breitenecker F; Aichelburg MC; Schmied B; Rieger A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. A prospective evaluation of pulmonary, systemic and hepatic haemodynamics in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients before and after antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin.  Antivir Ther 17(7):1327-34

Kosi L; Reiberger T; Payer BA; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K; Strassl R; Rieger A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2012. Five-year on-treatment efficacy of lamivudine-, tenofovir- and tenofovir + emtricitabine-based HAART in HBV-HIV-coinfected patients.  J Viral Hepat 19(11):801-10

Ferlitsch M; Reiberger T; Hoke M; Salzl P; Schwengerer B; Ulbrich G; Payer BA; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferlitsch A, 2012. von Willebrand factor as new noninvasive predictor of portal hypertension, decompensation and mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis.  Hepatology 56(4):1439-47

Reiberger T; Rutter K; Ferlitsch A; Payer BA; Hofer H; Beinhardt S; Kundi M; Ferenci P; Gangl A; Trauner M; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2011. Portal pressure predicts outcome and safety of antiviral therapy in cirrhotic patients with hepatitis C virus infection.  Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 9(7):602-8.e1

Fylaktou A; Papaventsis D; Daoudaki M; Moskophidis M; Reiberger T; Malisiovas N, 2011. Molecular epidemiology of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Greece.  J Med Virol 83(2):245-52

Reiberger T; Payer BA; Kosi L; Heil PM; Rieger A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2011. Concomitant highly active antiretroviral therapy leads to smaller decline and faster recovery of CD4+ cell counts during and after pegylated interferon plus ribavirin therapy in HIV-hepatitis C virus coinfected patients.  J Infect Dis 203(12):1802-6

Reiberger T; Obermeier M; Payer BA; Baumgarten A; Weitner L; Moll A; Christensen S; Köppe S; Kundi M; Rieger A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2011. Considerable under-treatment of chronic HCV infection in HIV patients despite acceptable sustained virological response rates in a real-life setting.  Antivir Ther 16(6):815-24

Payer BA; Reiberger T; Rutter K; Beinhardt S; Staettermayer AF; Peck-Radosavljevic M; Ferenci P, 2010. Successful HCV eradication and inhibition of HIV replication by intravenous silibinin in an HIV-HCV coinfected patient.  J Clin Virol 49(2):131-3

Reiberger T; Kosi L; Maresch J; Breitenecker F; Payer BA; Wrba F; Rieger A; Gangl A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2010. Mitochondrial toxicity is associated with virological response in patients with HIV and hepatitis C virus coinfection treated with ribavirin and highly active antiretroviral therapy.  J Infect Dis 202(1):156-60

Reiberger T; Ferlitsch A; Sieghart W; Kreil A; Breitenecker F; Rieger A; Schmied B; Gangl A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2010. HIV-HCV co-infected patients with low CD4+ cell nadirs are at risk for faster fibrosis progression and portal hypertension.  J Viral Hepat 17(6):400-9

Reiberger T; Angermayr B; Schwabl P; Rohr-Udilova N; Mitterhauser M; Gangl A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2009. Sorafenib attenuates the portal hypertensive syndrome in partial portal vein ligated rats.  J Hepatol 51(5):865-73

Sieghart W; Fellner S; Reiberger T; Ulbrich G; Ferlitsch A; Wacheck V; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2009. Differential role of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in cirrhotic patients with or without hepatocellular carcinoma.  Dig Liver Dis 41(12):902-6

Angermayr B; Luca A; König F; Bertolini G; Ploner M; Gridelli B; Ulbrich G; Reiberger T; Bosch J; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2009. Aetiology of cirrhosis of the liver has an impact on survival predicted by the Model of End-stage Liver Disease score.  Eur J Clin Invest 39(1):65-71

Reiberger T; Aberle JH; Kundi M; Kohrgruber N; Rieger A; Gangl A; Holzmann H; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2008. IP-10 correlates with hepatitis C viral load, hepatic inflammation and fibrosis and predicts hepatitis C virus relapse or non-response in HIV-HCV coinfection.  Antivir Ther 13(8):969-76

Reiberger T; Rasoul-Rockenschaub S; Rieger A; Ferenci P; Gangl A; Peck-Radosavljevic M, 2008. Efficacy of interferon in immunocompromised HCV patients after liver transplantation or with HIV co-infection.  Eur J Clin Invest 38(6):421-9

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